Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux(77230)
Need a taxi to Moussy-le-Vieux(77230)?
Look no further, Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux (77230) is at your service for your transport all distances. We intervene for connections to airports and train stations but also to hospitals in other destinations in the Paris region.
Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux (77230) has an easy adaptation for our transport and we are available to help you.
Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux (77230) at your disposal for more information on all journeys by taxi.
do not hesitate to contact us
Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux(77230) intervenes 7/7 and this 24h / 24. With a formidable experience, we drive you to your place of service whether you are an individual, a professional or a child, day or night.
The Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux (77230) fare is fixed and known in advance to provide you with some peace of mind before booking your Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux (77230).
Our taxi drivers Moussy-le-Vieux (77230) are experienced and at your disposal by reservation, anywhere in Ile de France and Paris
Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux (77230) provides all its customers with a personalized service, upscale and unbeatable transport times for your travel to or from Orly airport and Roissy airport, as well as train stations such as, Gare de Lyon, Gare du Nord, Gare de l'Est, Gare Montparnasse, Gare d'Austerlitz and Gare Saint Lazare.
Three ranges of Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux (77230) :
Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux(77230) sedans
Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux(77230) minivans
Taxi Moussy-le-Vieux(77230) Shuttle Buses
Moussy-le-Vieux (77230) is a French commune located in the department of Seine-et-Marne, in the region Ile-de-France. Its inhabitants are called the Moussyssiens. Moussy-le-Vieux is located 12 km north of Mitry-Mory (chief town of Canton). Moussy-le-Vieux depends on the canton of Dammartin-en Goële located 5km. For the municipality, the first comprehensive census within the framework of the new system was carried out in 2006. In 2014, the municipality had 1,157 inhabitants, an increase of 11.04% compared to 2009.